A female sign language interpreter in the middle of signing

The Role Of a Sign Language Interpreter

Updated: March 22, 2024 Within the hearing-impaired community, there is an incredible amount of diversity, including in the ways in which individuals choose to navigate our world. For some, cochlear implants are the ideal option, while others prefer using sign language to communicate. And for many individuals, it’s a combination of these and other strategies …

Memorial Hearing Treatment for Hyperacusis and Misophonia

Treatment for Misophonia and Hyperacusis

Misophonia causes an emotional response to certain trigger noises. Hyperacusis causes physical discomfort as if the volume of everyday noise was much louder. Sound therapy and other options can treat or even cure hyperacusis and misophonia. Certain noises can be irritating for everyone. For example, screeches on a chalkboard can cause anyone to squirm, and …

Doctor performing ear exam - Memorial Hearing in Houston, TX

Misophonia vs. Hyperacusis: Understanding the Differences

In this blog you will learn: Misophonia and hyperacusis are two forms of sensitive hearing. Misophonia causes strong emotional responses to sounds, whereas hyperacusis causes physical discomfort. Both conditions can be treated effectively with hearing aids and therapeutic interventions. Have you ever experienced a sound that you couldn’t stand? Sensitive hearing is a common issue …

pediatric hearing aid from Memorial Hearing in Houston, TX

Hearing Aids and Devices for Children with Hearing Loss

Having a child diagnosed with hearing loss can be a scary and sometimes overwhelming experience. Fortunately, modern hearing aid technology can often provide substantial relief from the effects of hearing loss. However, wearing hearing aids can present challenges of its own, especially for young users. The following information on kids and hearing aids will help …

nurse holding her ear while wearing mask and stethoscope

How Wearing Face Masks Bring An Extra Challenge to Hearing Loss

The face mask has become a staple of our “new normal,” widely recommended by medical professionals as a front line of defense in fighting the COVID-19 global pandemic. In many parts of the country (and the world), mask mandates require the public to wear their masks anytime they’re away from home – whether that’s at …